Don’t Fear Change, Embrace It!

Stuck in a marketing rut, Or are you hesitant to try a new vendor?

CHANGE IS GOOD!  It guides you out of your comfort zone and forces you to grow.

Many companies have been built on smart chances.  BMF PROMOTIONS, INC. has a history of providing that smart chance.  We help empower you to bring out the best in your brand, and achieve your marketing goals.

If You’re Not Changing then You’re Not Growing! And If You’re Not Growing, Your Dying.”Phineas Leviticus Peabody in 1796 after his cotton plant closed down because he refused to switch over to the 'newfangled' technology of Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

Learn From Poor Phineas Leviticus!

OK, so we admit that we have no earthly clue who said the above quote and that we completely fabricated ole’ Phineas (and yes we did in fact place the face of Chuck Norris on this old illustration, because… well why not?).  However, the story of ole’ Phineas has a couple lessons to share,

  1. Technology is changing and you need to keep up with it.
  2. It also shows that it’s good to be open to change and have a willingness to try new business partners, ventures, products or services when a good one comes along

Simply put, change is good! And if you can just be open to give BMF Promotions the opportunity, we would like to show you how our promotional products, proximity marketing, websites and other services can keep your business in the forefront of technology, build more clients and gain market share.

Already Have a Vendor You Are Working With?

That is great! We have worked alongside other vendors in the past and have proven ourselves to be a valuable asset and an integral part of the marketing team.

We Would Love To Discuss Your Next Project!

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